Tuesday 30 June 2015

Midnight Snacking

So you're walking along the Too Adorable Kitty sim and you see the Midnight auctions on Friday and Saturday nights. And you see Amber (that's me!!) talking about how much the glitter shade makes a certain kitty look like its been rolled in latex ...

wait back up... me? An auctioneer of KittyCats breedable cats in Second Life? Say what what?

Once upon a time ... lets call it somewhere in March ... Arwen and I were yapping away about KittyCats and KittyCat stats - making little breeding plans and plotting little breeding strategies for our lines - and while merrily yapping away we were walking along the golden path at PixelPaws - one of the secondary markets where KittyCats were being sold at that time.

Whilst hopping down this golden path whistling theme songs from the Wizard of Oz - ok, that bit didn't happen - we were passing through a gap in the environment and I asked what that was about - she pointed out it was where the auction stage used to be of auctioneer who was no longer there. And so it happened that we strolled into the sim owners cattery to drool over current furs - and then talked about that little empty space and suggested to Fabio - aka Mr Cat - aka sim owner of PixelPaws - that I would be keen on giving it a go.

His response was - and dare I say he did so with a fair amount of cheek - he pulled out a cat from his cattery and said - "Amber, sell me this cat!"

My response was - and dare I say I did so with a fair amount of cheek - I did!

And Arwen's response in all of this? Well she laughed and laughed and said "I told you so!" thought I'm a bit unclear who she was speaking to - me or Fabio. Maybe both of us! (chuckles)!

April saw the first auction - on the stage that Arwen and I pulled together and after PixelPaws closed - I responded and interviewed at another secondary sim -- Too Adorable -- and now Auction there.

Logistics aside - and yes I do want to talk about the textures and designs and stages and wotnot - we auction on Midnights on Friday and Saturday evenings.

tarra -- Midnight Snacking. Need I explain more? see some photos here: photos on the flicr page

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